5 Mistakes to Avoid While Managing Your Campground

Camping is one of those rarified pastimes that has adapted seamlessly to an ever-evolving age of software and smartphones. The desire to escape and enjoy nature alongside your loved ones has perhaps never been more relevant, and as such, camping has grown even more popular over the past couple of years. This is an exciting development, but like any new wrinkle, it also presents some challenges.

As camping becomes more popular, you must ensure your operation adapts to the times and delivers the best experience possible. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered – and we know you have the chops to deliver what new and veteran campers seek. 

To help you and your crew, here is a quick rundown of five common campground management mistakes and how you can avoid them. 

Mistake #1: Using pen and paper for everything (or even most things)

We’ve been there: Sometimes a pen and a sticky note are close by, and it’s super-easy to jot down what’s on your mind then move on. The occasional sticky note is still more than OK, of course, but it’s past time to start ridding your life of paper-only files. 

First, paper files are easier to lose or damage. Second, when you’re in a rush to locate some key piece of intel for marketing or customer service purposes, you don’t want to spend 20 minutes rifling through cabinets or drawers to find that one piece of paper you need. 

Now, you may be thinking, “if I have my own system, and it works for me, why change a thing?” That’s fair enough – and we’ll never tell you that you must do something in order to help your business thrive. But we are here to offer guidance and advice, and in this day and age, there are so many management platforms that allow you to track customer behavior and compile the relevant data that you may have kept on paper in the past. 

Instead of using paper for key documents, we suggest maximizing your campground management system to its full potential. In the end, we think it’ll save you plenty of time and frustration. 

Mistake #2: Not having a website for online reservations

As we’ve mentioned in recent blogs, 10 million people camped for the very first time in 2020. This insane, wonderful stat is indicative of both camping’s enduring popularity and an influx of new campers – many of whom likely found their campgrounds via the internet. This is just one of the many reasons it is critical to have a functional, up-to-date website. If you don’t, folks may not be able to find you. Worse yet, they find you, but they can’t book their reservation online.

Make sure your web presence prioritizes the user experience and gives your future campers plenty of details about what you have to offer. Because ultimately, more campers means more competition – a competition in which you can come out on top. 

Mistake #3: Not stocking your store with what your campers need

There are certain items that are undeniable must-haves, and you’re in luck: We’ve compiled them for you in this valuable product guide. Further, the campground management software you choose may help you track which products your customers rent or buy the most. (It’s worth noting here that Bonfire is the only campground management software that allows you to manage the point-of-sale system at your park for items sold in your general store.) By keeping a keen eye on your inventory and the data made available by a platform like Bonfire, you can keep your store stocked with anything and everything customers want and need. Otherwise, as mentioned above, they may start looking for another campground. 

Mistake #4: Not incorporating tech into your training for new and current employees 

We’ve already established that the world of camping must continue adapting to the times, so we won’t belabor that point. But we will say this: Just as you should choose the campground management software that best suits your needs, you should also train your existing and future employees on the ins and outs of that software. 

There are several reasons why comprehensive technology training is a must. First, if your team is knowledgeable about the software you use for your business, it will ease the operational burden on you and/or the other core leaders of your campground. Second, it will help you run your business as smoothly as possible. 

Lastly, in-depth tech training will improve your peace of mind. You can rest easy knowing your team members have the wherewithal needed to run a 21st-century campground. And nowadays, what’s nicer than peace of mind?

Mistake #5: Assuming your campers are veterans 

During the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to forget that the people who visit your campground may be camping for the very first time. Or, maybe you know it’s their first time, but you’re not sure exactly how to give them the best experience possible. Either way, it’s important to engage your campground’s first-time visitors and give them a space (online or in-person) to ask any and all questions they may have. 

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about technology in this blog, but truly stellar customer service will always need that personal touch. By engaging your campers early and often, you can identify and fulfill their needs. Thus, you can keep them coming back to the great experience you offer. 

If you want to know more about how Bonfire can help you avoid mistakes and manage your campground, please reach out to us at howdy@letsbonfire.com. To explore more ways to enhance your operation, read our blog on ways to increase visibility and revenue